Bernard (Bun) Bennett

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Bernard (Bun) Bennett on Tuesday, March 5, 2019. He had just passed his 89th birthday. Bernard was a loving husband and best friend to Frances (Fran) for the past 65 years and father to his girls Laura (Pat), Shelley (Mark) and Heather (Jason). Bernard was known as Papa to his grandchildren Jason (Holly), Melisa (Jesse), Bridget (Bryan), Jenna (Matt), Hailey (Clay), Cassandra (Devan) and Mitchell (Riel), and great grandchildren, Keltan, Reegan, Ava, Marley, Isobel, Warren, Isla and Rowan. He is survived by his younger brother Winnie (Frances). Nothing seemed to make Bernard happier than being surrounded by his family. Bernard was born on February 20, 1930 in Le Pas, Manitoba. Son of Percy and Irene Bennett and brother to 4 siblings. Bernard was a skilled electrician and had a successful career with Ontario Hydro. His employment took him and his family to various communities throughout Ontario including; Chubb Lake, Little Long Rapids, Iron Bridge, Sturgeon Falls and Paisley. After retirement he lived in Goderich and finally settling in Owen Sound. Bernard had a passion for travel, camping, fishing, curling and time spent with his family. He and Fran did several cross-country trips exploring Canada. These trips would ultimately lead them back to one of their daughters or grandchildren. He always made a point to be part of his grandchildren’s lives, be it a hockey game, graduation, birthday or a simple morning drop-in for coffee. There will be a small celebration of life for family and close friends in June – to be announced. If friends so desire, donations to a charity of your choice would be appreciated. Our hearts are heavy at this time, and his presence will be greatly missed. Online condolences may be made at