Planning Ahead
Planning ahead makes good sense. We plan for every aspect of life. Having a family, our education, home purchases, vacations, weddings, and retirement. By preplanning, you gain peace of mind by knowing your wishes will be carried out according to your instructions.
Planning ahead means that your family will be relieved of the burden of making difficult decisions during an emotionally trying time. It also eliminates the financial strain on the survivors and prevents emotional overspending.
We offer to prearrange with or without prepayment. By prepaying you lock in the costs of services and supplies and avoid future inflation, thereby ensuring your family isn't paying out-of-pocket at the time of death. Time payment plans are available.

Prepayment funds are placed in trust with Guaranteed Funeral Deposits of Canada (GFD). GFD is a non-profit organization for funeral service providers and their clients whose purpose is to help members administer and manage the funds people prepay for their funeral.